Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
The graph below was captured from an Audemat DFMA2 measuring instrument. It shows the analysis of a
30-minute segment of audio as processed by the Omnia 6 with the ITU BS-412 Multiplex Power limiter
enabled and adjusted to the 0.0dB setting. Note that at no time during the measurement interval does the
average power exceed
the zero dB reference line. Segments of audio seen falling below the line were
portions of talk programming and naturally occurring breaks in audio as would be seen in a normal
broadcasting environment.
Setting the threshold control to values above 0.0dB, will cause a like increase in average multiplex power
above the 0.0dB limit shown in the above graph.
Loudness Loss Warning!
If your country's regulatory agency does not require the use of the ITU BS-412 Multiplex
Power Limiter, make certain that the BS-412 Power Limiter is set to off, or severe loss of
loudness will result! For example, when the ITU BS-412 Power Limiter is switched on and
set at 0.0dB, there is approximately a FIVE dB loudness loss
over the limiter being
switched off!