Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
above each edit box. If no errors or other displays are shown, then your script is ready to be used or saved.
An error indication typically indicates you have a "typo" in one of your command lines. Verify the
command is correct and that the index numbers for the parameters or parameter values are correct. See the
example below for how the completed entries should appear.
Completed Trigger Script entries using the above example
In order to use the scripts, they must be loaded into the Omnia-6fm. This is done by clicking Apply.
Previously entered scripts in the Omnia-6fm’s memory are then replaced by your new scripts. To save the
edited Script Editor scripts to the PC Card, click Save to Card. To recall previously edited scripts, click
Load From Card. These can then be sent to the Omnia-6fm by clicking Apply.
To actually use the scripts you have just written requires that a sustained relay or a switch be connected
between trigger input 1 (pin 1) and ground (pin 5) on the Interface connector on the processor's back panel.
Setting the relay or switch on (shorting pins 1 and 5 together), then causes the Omnia-6 to follow the script
for go low (the unit switches to Mono Left/Pilot off operation). Opening the switch or relay will then cause
the processor to follow the go high script (the unit switches to stereo/pilot on operation).
Multiple operations, including ones that are vastly more complicated than what we have presented here,
such as simultaneously changing to different presets when changing from stereo to mono, can be completed
at the flip of any one of the eight switches or relays connected to the Omnia-6fm. And the eight relays or
switches do not have to be switched locally: commands can even be initiated by a network satellite when a
receiver with contact closures is being used.
Different Ways to Use the Script Commands
There are two methods of using the script we just created. One is to use the scripts as Trigger Scripts,
responding to contact closures and opens as previously discussed. The other involves integrating the scripts
into the Omnia-6fm’s daypart table. Because the processor is flexible, it allows one to use the same script