
Omnia 6 Use and Installation Guide – Version 1.00a
Using a Terminal Program and Direct Connection
It is sometimes useful to use a Direct Serial Connection and a terminal program such as Windows
HyperTerminal to gain access to the Omnia's command line interface. While operating the Omnia in this
manner is certainly not for beginners, the information that can be captured from the rear-panel RS-232 port,
especially during system boot-up, can be very useful for troubleshooting purposes. Upon occasion, Omnia
Customer Focus personnel may ask you to capture such data from the rear port if it seems necessary.
The serial communications parameters of the terminal program should be set to:
8 Data Bits
No Data Parity (None)
1 Stop Bit
Flow Control (None)
The Baud rate (bits per second) must be set to match the setting in the Omnia-6fm’s System Menu. Make
sure however that the maximum allowed baud rate (set in the Windows Device Manager) of the serial port
being used is set at least as high as the desired baud rate. Setting this to the highest available setting is fine.
Once these parameters have been set, one can now log onto the Omnia-6fm with the password “tomtom”
(all lower case).