Setting your terminal
Mail sorting
This function lets you choose the mode for all Internet documents stored in
your mail box.
You have three choices:
• F@X ONLY, lets you poll and print E-Mails in your terminal.
• PC ONLY, lets you keep your E-Mails in you mailbox for later use with a
computer (no E-Mail poll),
• SHARE PC lets you:
- if your PC and fax have two different addresses, transfer all mails or only
those with attachments to a PC,
- if your PC and fax share the same address, use the fax as a printer for
E-Mails for the PC.
FAX Only mode
+ Select option FAX ONLY and press OK to confirm.
All E-Mails are polled and printed.
PC Only mode
+ Select option PC ONLY and press OK to confirm.
The E-mails are neither polled nor printed and they may be used with a
At each connection, the number of E-mails in your mailbox is displayed on
the screen.
Share PC mode
+ Select option SHARE PC and press OK to confirm.
You may choose to transfer your E-mails to a PC or use the fax as an E-mail
To transfer the E-Mails to a PC:
+ Select option WITH PC TRANS. and press OK to confirm.
+ Enter the E-Mail address of the computer you wish to transfer your
E-Mail and press OK to confirm.
+ Select your option from the table below and press OK to confirm.
Menu Description
SEND ALL MAILS All E-Mails are sent to the PC.
The fax machine polls and prints the usable E-mails
and transfers to the PC mailbox all the E-mails
containing attachments it cannot use.