Remark : your terminal is provided with a Scan to PC key. This key activates, first of all, the
SCAN -TO - PC function, which when associated with Companion Suite Pro, makes it
possible to send an opening notice of a scan function of a PC connected to your ter-
minal. For more information, refer to the Companion Suite Pro software.
Use of the terminal can be limited to authorized personnel within each
department by setting up a master department code and individual
department codes. You can assign one master code and up to 98 department
codes. You can then monitor the usage for each department. The master
department code is used to setup and modify the department code
During the setup procedure, you are prompted to enter a 4-digit master
department code. This code is required to perform any modifications; it is
used as a supervisory master key. The master code department number is
preset to 00.
The individual department codes are used to access and operate the terminal.
During the setup procedure, you can assign department numbers from 1-98.
You are also prompted to enter a 4-digit department code for each
department. As each department enters their assigned department code to
access and operate the terminal, the usage for each department is recorded
on the department code report.