The charge code will always be hidden.
The maximum length that can be entered is 30 characters. When dialing, only
the digits are sent on the line. The "+" symbol inserted is not sent. In the
example above, the number
97380884440123 is dialed.
If your equipment is connected to a private exchange (PABX), enter the pre-
fix (number used by your PABX to access the telephone network, for exam-
ple 0), followed by a "/" (or pause).
When a charge code is used, the transmission reports and the terminal log
printout contains the correspondent’s number followed by the charge code’s
"+" symbol.
You can connect a USB memory Key on the front side of your terminal. The
files stored in TXT, TIFF and JPEG formats will be analyzed and you will be
able to realize the following actions:
• print the stored files contained in your USB memory key,
• delete the files contained in your USB memory key,
• run an analysis on the contents of the inserted USB memory key,
• digitize a document on your USB memory key.