
OkiLAN 6200e Plus User’s Guide
Novell NetWare 73
The install utility on the installation diskette can also be
used to remove the OKI print server class. This utility
removes the class from Novell’s NetWare Administra-
tor and removes all the associated files that were cop-
ied during the installation process.
Note: Be sure to remove all OKI Print Server
objects from the directory tree before uninstalling
OkiNet for NDS.
Adding the OKI Print Server Class
The OKI print server class is initially added to Novell’s
NetWare Administrator when the Install utility is run
from the diskette. If the OKI print server class has
been removed through Novell’s NetWare Administra-
tor’s Tools menu, you will need to add the class again.
From the Tools menu in Novell’s NetWare Administra-
tor, choose Define OKI Printing Device Class. If this
option is grayed, the class has already been added. If
the option does not exist, you will need to run the
install utility from the diskette to install OkiNet for NDS.
The OKI print server class will now appear in the Cre-
ate New Object dialog.
Using the Network Print Server in
NDPS (NetWare 4.x, 5.1, and 6.x)
NDPS Introduction
Distributed Print Services (NDPS
) is Novell’s
current printing architecture for use with NetWare ver-
sions 4.x, 5.1, and 6.x. To use the Network Print
Server in NDPS, you must add the OKI printer
driver(s) to the NDPS Broker.