
OkiLAN 6200e Plus User’s Guide
TCP/IP 163
yourqueuename - This is the name of the queue
on the Network Print Server and must end with 1,
2, 3 or 4, depending on the port selected to service
the print jobs. If FF, LF or NF are the last two letters
of the queue name, the job will be converted
accordingly. For more information, see Remote
Print Queue Names.
Before you proceed, the following prerequisites must
be met:
1. The name OKIPRINTER and the IP address
assigned to the Network Print Server are in the “/
etc/hosts” file on the Sun-OS or Ultrix system.
2. Make sure the LPD daemon is running on the Sun-
OS or Ultrix system by issuing the following com-
mand at the UNIX prompt: ps aux | grep lpd If the
LPD daemon is running, you should see output
similar to: root 135 0.0 0.0 52 0 ? IW May 24
0:01 /usr/lib/lpd If the LPD daemon is not running,
start the daemon by logging into the Sun-OS or
Ultrix machine as root and issuing the following
command at the UNIX prompt: /usr/lib/lpd Verify
that the daemon is running by using the ps com-
mand described previously. To start the LPD dae-
mon automatically when the system boots, make
sure that lines similar to the following exist in the “/
etc/rc” file: if [ -f /usr/lib/lpd ] ; then rm -f /dev/
printer/var/spool/lpd.lock /usr/lib/lpd; echo -n ‘
printer’ fi