
OkiLAN 6200e Plus User’s Guide
Index 220
Diagnostics 57, 112
DLC/802.2 Protocol Stack 166
Enabling/Disabling Protocols 57
OkiNet for NetWare 57
OkiNet for TCP/IP 110
Error Messages 132, 195
EtherTalk 195
TCP/IP hardware 132
EtherTalk 185
OkiLAN 6200e utility 186
advanced configuration options 189
enable port option 189
error messages 195
finding the OkiLAN 6200e 187
printing a configuration sheet 188
renaming the OkiLAN 6200e printer 187
reset board option 189
restore defaults 189
running 187
selecting a zone 188
set type option 189
status option 189
selecting your printer 197
Factory defaults, restoring 58
FCC Statement 215
Federal Communications Commission Statement 215
File Server Console 76
File Transfer Protocol 88
FTP (File Transfer Protocol ) 79, 99
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 88
FTP Printing 94