
OkiLAN 6200e Plus User’s Guide
Novell NetWare 63
such as network traffic and desire for most recent
information. For example, if traffic is not an issue on
your network and the most current information is
desired, set the refresh rate to 1 so the screen is
updated every minute. If network traffic is an issue,
you may wish to set the refresh rate to 10. This would
update the screen every ten minutes and minimize
network traffic.
Permanently Defining SNMP Access
Access to Network Print Server configuration and
diagnostic information is determined by using commu-
nity names. The Special Options window is used to
permanently define access information so it does not
need to be entered each time the Network Print Server
is accessed. To Get and/or Set information on the Net-
work Print Server through OkiNet for NetWare, com-
munity names used by the utility must match the
community names assigned to the Network Print
To configure the OkiNet for NetWare utility to use the
correct community names, select Special Options
from the File menu.
Serial/Network Numbers
This field displays the serial number of each Network
Print Server or the network number for a network of
OkiLAN products for which the OkiNet utility has
defined access. To add a new serial number or net-
work number to this list, select the Add button.