
Recent Calls
Recent Calls
The Recent Calls feature stores the numbers of the 20 most recent calls you have
made and received, including Private and Group Calls. You can access Recent
Calls to:
view your recent calls
store numbers to the Phonebook
delete recent calls
call numbers on the Recent Calls list
NOTE:The Recent Calls list displays briefly after each call.
Recent Calls Icons
For Private Calls, Group Calls, and numbers stored in your Phonebook, an icon
appears to the right of the name or number indicating the Phonebook type of the
number used in the call. See “Phonebook Icons” on page 40 for more
information about Phonebook types.
For phone calls, an icon appears to the left of the name or number indicating the
type of call:
N indicates an incoming call
a indicates an outgoing call
V indicates a missed call. (Missed calls appear on your Recent Calls list if
you have Caller ID. You will still get notified of a missed call if you
don’t have Caller ID but you will not know who called.)
For Nextel Direct Connect calls, an icon appears to the left of the name or
number indicating the type of call:
h indicates a Private Call
n indicates a Group Call
Viewing Recent Calls
If the number of the recent call is stored in your Phonebook, the name associated
with the number displays.