
Service Status — shows the status of your phone’s services.
To access any of these options:
Many of these options have other options within them. Press S to scroll
through the lists of options, and press C to select and modify options and the
features, according to the instructions on your phone’s screen. For some options,
you can also press T to select sub-options.
In screens that show lists of options for a setting, a check mark to the left of the
option indicates the current option for the setting.
Ring/Volume enables you to control how your phone rings when you receive
calls and messages.
Main Options
Ring/Volume provides these main options:
Ringer Vol — sets ring volume.
Keypad Vol — sets volume of sounds associated with keypad actions.
Mail Vol — sets volume of Text Message, Voice Mail, and Net Alert
•Data Vol — sets data volume.
Headset — choosing the HdsetOnly option prevents sound from being
emitted from the phone’s speaker when the headset is being used.
SilentAll — sets the phone to notify you of all calls on the phone’s screen
Line 1 — sets the ring style and type of notification for calls on Line 1.
Line 2 — sets the ring style and type of notification for calls on Line 2.
Pvt/Grp — sets type of notification for Private and Group Calls.
Call Alert — sets the ring style and type of notification for Call Alerts.
Text Msgs — sets type of notification for Text Messages.
From the Settings screen, press R to scroll to the option you want to
Press C under SELECT.