Operator Assisted Messaging*
• The caller can press “2” during your Voice Mail greeting. Or, call 1-800-
NEXGRAM (1-800-639-4726). Outside of the U.S., call 1-858-279-8495.
• A text message can be sent immediately or scheduled for future delivery.
• The operator will send the message.
* The Operator Assisted Messaging feature is required. There is also an additional
charge for this service. For more information, contact Customer Care or visit
Nextel Two-Way Messaging
Your i30sx phone refers to Two-Way Messages as Net Alerts.
With Two-Way Messaging, you can:
• Send and receive messages (up to 500 characters in length) with pre-set
replies and respond to them at the touch of a button.
• Respond to messages when you’re in a meeting or noisy location.
• Create and store your own frequently used responses that let you send
informative answers without keying in text.
• Send messages to one individual from your phone or contact several at
once from any email system or nextel.com.
To activate this service, contact Nextel Customer Care. For additional
information on how to use this service, visit nextel.com.