
Using T9® Text Input
Using T9
Text Input
Your i30sx phone has embedded software, called T9
Text Input, that makes
typing on a phone keypad much like typing on a computer keyboard: it
eliminates the traditional “multi-tap” method of text entry. As you type, you
press only one key per letter. T9 Text Input matches your keystrokes to words in
its linguistic database of approximately 60,000 words and proper names. You
may also store additional words you frequently use in your own user database,
which is incorporated into the T9 database.
T9 Text Input is available when you are typing text into your phone (for
example, in the Phonebook) and while using Nextel Online services.
T9 Text Input Entry Modes
Four text entry modes are available in T9 Text Input: Alpha, Word, Symbols,
and Numeric. When you are using T9 Text Input, an icon in the top right corner
of your phone’s display screen (next to the battery strength indicator icon)
indicates the T9 Text Input entry mode you are using:
* T9 icons do not display while you are using Nextel Online services.
Choosing a Text Entry Mode on Nextel Online
When you are using Nextel Online services, T9 Text Input becomes available
whenever you access a screen that requires you to enter text. The right display
option on your the phone’s screen indicates your current T9 Text Input text
entry mode:
Icon* T9 Entry Mode
Used For...
w Alpha Standard “multi-tap” keypad
text entry.
# Word Entering words and
punctuation with one key-
press per character.
! Symbols Entering punctuation and
symbols such as “@” or “?”.
, Numeric Entering keypad numbers.