3-106 Displaying and Copying Machine Settings
Importing Machine Settings
You can import the settings from another machine.
Take care when importing the machine settings, as all the information registered by
users (including documents) will be erased.
Click [Admin Login] in OfficeBridge, and log in.
(See page 2-7.)
This function may also be available on Guest and User login screen, depending on user policy
Click [Browse] in “Maintenance Setting”.
The “Select File” dialog box is displayed.
Select the file to import, and click [Open].
Click [Import].
Take care when importing the machine settings, as all the information registered by users •
(including documents) will be erased.
To import only the machine settings, select “Machine Settings Only”.•
To import all the machine settings including the user information, select “All (including User •
Refer to the appendix in “Importing / Exporting Using USB Memory” in Chapter 2, “Mirroring •
the Machine Settings” in the Administrator's Guide for the difference between the settings
imported when you select “Machine Settings Only” and the settings imported when you
select “All (including User Information)”.
The import process starts when you click [OK].
When the import process is completed, the machine is automatically restarted.
One of the following import results is displayed in the “Status” field:
The import has been completed.•
Failed to import.•
Importing was canceled. The data was created by a different type of unit.•
Importing was canceled. The data was created by different data source.•
Importing was canceled because the data is invalid.•
Importing was canceled because the remote fax machine prevents direct copying.•