4-8 Control Panel Options
MX3-CE Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC
Control Panel Options
Access: Start / Settings / Control Panel
or My Computer / Control Panel
Getting Help
Please click the “?” box to get Help when changing Control Panel options.
Option Function
About Displays hardware and software details.
Communication Set Device Name and PC Connection properties.
Date/Time Set Date, Time, Time Zone, and Daylight Savings.
Dialing Set, create, edit and/or remove Dialing properties for modems.
Set background graphic, color scheme appearance, screen backlight
timeout and screen blanking timeout properties.
Input Panel
Select the type of input method to use with the touch panel. Set the
size of the keys displayed in the Soft Keyboard and whether
applications can change the keyboard settings.
Keyboard Set key repeat delay and key repeat rate.
Mouse Set double click sensitivity.
Network Set network driver properties and network access properties.
Owner Set MX3-CE owner details.
Password Set MX3-CE access password properties.
Primary Events
Enable or disable the hardware event(s) that can wake the MX3-CE
from suspend mode.
Set Power Off, Backlight, Blanking properties. Review battery status
and perform backup battery charging/discharging.
Regional Settings
Set appearance of numbers, currency, time and date based on regional
and language settings.
Set scanner keyboard wedge, scanner icon appearance, active scanner
port, and scan key settings. Assign baud rate, parity, stop bits and data
bits for available COM ports.
Stylus Set double-tap sensitivity properties and/or calibrate the touch panel.
Review System and Computer data and revision levels. Adjust Storage
and Program memory settings.
Volume and Sounds Set volume parameters and assign sound wav files to WinCE events.
Wireless Set PC Card radio parameters.