6-2 Factors That May Impact Scanner Performance
MX3-CE Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3CERG-A-ARC
Factors That May Impact Scanner Performance
The range of a scanner is dependent upon many outside influences including size of the barcode,
quality of the barcode printing, material the barcode is printed on, condition of the scan lens
(scratches) and angle of the scanner endcap relative to the barcode label. Any of these factors may
result in having to re-scan the label from a different distance or angle.
Barcode Quality
Check the barcode for marks or physical damage e.g. ripped label, missing section, correct size for
the scanner being used, etc.
In general, the bigger the barcode the further the distance from which it can be read. If the barcode
is smaller than the specified size for the scanner being used, the distance, in almost all cases, will
Large barcodes can be scanned at the maximum distance. Hold the scanner closer to small
barcodes (or with bars that are very close together).
Note: Do not position the scanner exactly perpendicular to the barcode being scanned. In this
position, light can bounce back into the scanner’s exit window, and possibly prevent a
successful decode.
Barcode Symbology
Barcodes such as UPC codes and Code 128 are more complex than Code 39 and I 2 of 5. When
attempting to get the maximum read distance possible, particularly with reflective labels, use Code
39. The use of Code 128 or other more complex symbologies will almost always result in a
reduction in maximum read distance. LXE will not support scanner maximum distances when
symbologies other than Code 39 are used.
Lens Damage
A scratched scanner window can impact read rates and distances. Scanner lenses should be
inspected frequently, particularly if scanning quality or distances get worse over time.
Ambient Lighting
High ambient conditions, particularly outdoor environments, will produce enough light to
somewhat “blind” the scanner. This will result in shorter read distances.
While small deviations from room temperature will have no impact on scanner performance,
severe conditions like those found in freezers will have a negative impact on both the distance
scanners can read and the speed the read is acquired.