E-EQ-MX3OGWW-F-ARC MX3 User’s Guide
The MX3 Hand Held Computer
The MX3 is a rugged, portable, hand-held PC-compatible computer capable of wireless data
communications. The MX3 can transmit information using either a 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz radio
(with an internally mounted antenna). It can store information for later transmission through an
RS-232 or InfraRed port. The MX3 is horizontally oriented and features electroluminescent
backlighting for the display. The keys on the keypad are constructed of a phosphorescent material
that can easily be seen in dimly lighted areas.
The MX3 is an MS-DOS compatible computer designed to run as a batch unit or run software
applications such as LXE’s Terminal Emulator applications (ANSI Plus, LDS Plus, DOS 5250,
DOS 3270, TN3270 and TN5250).
The “MX3 Reference Guide” contains MX3 technical information and advanced functions.
Note: The 900MHz radios are obsolete. Terminal emulation software used by mobile devices
with 900MHz radios is also obsolete, e.g. 3270 DOS TE, 5250 DOS TE.
Getting Help
Note: Always store unused mobile devices with a fully charged main battery pack installed.
LXE recommends the mobile device be connected to an external power source
periodically to retain optimum power levels in the main battery pack and the backup
LXE user guides are now available on CD and they can also be viewed/downloaded from the LXE
ServicePass website. Contact your LXE representative to obtain the LXE Manuals CD or access
to the LXE ServicePass website. You can also check the LXE ServicePass website for the latest
manual releases.
Note: Obsolete/archived manuals are not available on the LXE Manuals CD. They are
available for download from the ServicePass website only.
You can get help from LXE by calling the telephone numbers listed on the LXE Manuals CD, in
the file titled “Contacting LXE”. This information is also available on the LXE website.
Explanations of terms and acronyms used in this manual are located in the file titled "LXE
Technical Glossary" on the LXE Manuals CD and on the LXE website.
If you need to set up the integrated scanner (SE923) barcode reading parameters, please
refer to the “Integrated Scanner Programming Guide for DOS Devices” on the LXE
Manuals CD or the LXE ServicePass website.