Event Reporting and U-Abort Capabilities
Issue 7 May 1998
Call Originated Event Report
Starting with G3V4, the Call Originated Event Report is sent to notify the adjunct
that the originating extension is attempting to establish a call. This indication is
provided to ASAI applications monitoring the call through domain control only. The
report provides the dialed digits. Link version 2 or above must be active. Two
instances will not generate this report: TAC dialing over an ISDN trunk, and COR
Call Originated Report Items
The following is a list of the items provided with this report:
This ECS-assigned call identifier is used to associate event reports to calls and
identify a call the adjunct wants to control. The call identifier is unique within ECS.
The ECS-assigned identifier that uniquely identifies a party on a call; in this case,
the party that originated the call. ECS provides the identifier and the adjunct
should retain it for future operations. The party identifier is unique within the call_
calling party number
The number that originated the call; usually the extension that dialed the call. For
calls originating from a Logical Agent, this is the logical agent number of the agent
logged into the station making the call. For calls originating from a bridged call
appearance, this is the number of the bridged appearance where the origination
called party number
The number that the user dialed or requested by means of a Make Call or Auto
Dial request
party extension
The originating device. Normally, this is the same as the calling number; however,
in the case where a call is originated from a logical agent extension, it indicates
10. This number is represented before any digit manipulation, but does not include ARS, FAC, or
TAC. The contents of this IE may change in subsequent Event Reports generated for a specific