ASAI and Call Control
Issue 7 May 1998
Communications Server CallVisor ASAI Protocol Reference
If the Single-Step Conference is used to add a recording device into a call, the
adjunct has the responsibility of dropping the recording device and/or call when
appropriate. The DEFINITY ECS can not distinguish between recording devices
and real stations; so if a recording device is left on a call with one additional party,
the DEFINITY ECS will leave the call up forever until one party drops.
Use of the Single-Step Conference does not change the behavior of the Drop
button on the set. If the users intend to use the Drop button, they need to
understand that a party added through the Single-Step Conference will never be
considered “the last party added” on the call. Thus, parties added through the
Single-Step Conference cannot be dropped by using the Drop button. Also,
parties added by Single-Step Conference cannot be dropped by flashing the
Switch-Hook of an analog station on the call.
The station to be Single-Step Conferenced must be either a physical station
extension (not group), or an extension administered without hardware (AWOH).
When a device is Single-Step Conferenced into a call, an acknowledgment is sent
to the requesting association and a Connected Event Report is generated for
other associations monitoring or controlling the call.