Issue 7 May 1998 11-1
ASAI Maintenance Capabilities
This chapter describes the Maintenance Capability Group. The capabilities
available in this group are used to disable and enable ECS-administered alarms
for periodic link maintenance and to obtain information about the condition of the
ASAI link.
The following capabilities are available:
All adjuncts must support the restart and heartbeat procedures or the ASAI
link will not operate. Further, it is strongly recommended that all adjuncts
incorporate suspend/resume maintenance to avoid unnecessary alarms and
resulting maintenance expenses when adjuncts are brought down for routine
maintenance or normal shutdown.
Heartbeat This capability lets the adjunct and the ECS request a
sanity check on the ASAI software or the ASAI link.
Suspend alarms This capability lets the adjunct disable
ECS-administered alarms on the ASAI link before
planned down time or routine maintenance.
Resume alarms This capability lets the adjunct enable
ECS-administered alarms on the ASAI link.
Restart This capability clears out all data structures and
resources associated with the ASAI link (for example,