ASAI and Feature Interactions
Issue 7 May 1998
stations. Login IDs, however, are not valid domains for the Third Party Domain
Control Capability. A request to domain (station) control a login ID is denied by the
ECS with the cause value CS0/28 — Invalid Number.
User-Classified Calls
For user-classified calls (Third Party Make Call, Third Party Auto Dial, and Route
Select requests without a direct-agent, supervisor_assist, or alert_dest_first
■ The orig_addr calling number may contain a logical agent’s login ID or a
logical agent’s physical station. If the orig_addr contains a logical agent’s
login ID and the logical agent is logged in, the call is originated from the
agent’s station extension associated with the agent’s login ID.
If the orig_addr contains a logical agent’s login ID and the logical agent is
not logged in, the call is denied with cause value CS3/15 — Agent not
logged in. The orig_addr may not contain a skill hunt group extension or a
■ The dest_addr called number may contain any number a local station user
might dial, including a logical agent’s login ID, a logical agent’s physical
extension, a skill hunt group extension and a VDN providing access to a
skill hunt group. If the dest_addr contains a logical agent’s login ID, the call
is originated as if the call had been dialed from the originator’s voice set to
the requested login ID. If the origination and destination CORs permit, the
call is treated as a direct-agent call; otherwise, the call is treated as a
personal call to the requested agent.
Direct-Agent Call
The following ASAI interactions apply to direct-agent calls. For example,
direct-agent calls follow the agent’s station coverage path (do not follow a logical
agent’s coverage path) and if the specified agent is not logged into the specified
split, the request is denied.
The calling number (orig_addr) of a direct-agent call may contain a logical agent’s
login ID or an agent’s physical station. If the calling number contains a logical
agent’s login ID and the logical agent is logged in, the direct-agent call is
originated from the agent’s station. If the calling number contains a logical agent’s
login ID and the logical agent is not logged in, the direct-agent call is denied with
cause value CS3/15 — Agent not logged in. If the calling number does not contain
a station extension or a login ID, the request is denied with cause value CS0/28 —
Invalid Number.
Logical Direct-Agent Calls
Logical direct-agent calls follow the same event reporting rules as any other call
manually originated from a voice station. In addition, a logical direct-agent call to a