
Rev. 6/19/2012 11:45 AM
Setting Up SmartLinc
1. Log onto http://smartlinc.smarthome.com and click
the Settings icon (wrench).
2. IntheeldnexttoSetTime,enterthecurrenttime
(hh:mm format) and click AM or PM. Click Set Time.
3. IntheeldnexttoSetDay,clickthecurrentday.
Click Set Day.
4. IntheeldnexttoSetHouseName,typeinyour
desired house name. Click Set House Name.
5. Click Change Location.
6. A new screen will appear. SmartLinc should
automatically sync with your device and display
the correct date. Select the nearest city to you
from the drop-down menu (latitude/longitude will
automatically update) or manually enter your latitude
and longitude.
7. Select “Yes” or “No” from the Daylight Savings drop-
down menu.
8. Click Calculate Sunrise/Sunset and verify that the
estimated times are correct for the current day.
9. Click Save and Return.
Adding/Naming Rooms in SmartLinc
1. Log onto http://smartlinc.smarthome.com and click
the Room Settings icon (cube with a wrench).
2. To edit a room name or add a new room, tap the
desired room name.
3. Whenyouarenished,clickSaveandReturn.
The rooms you added/edited will appear as
buttons on the SmartLinc homepage.
room names, such as Living Room, Kitchen, Master Bedroom, etc. You can add up to 16 rooms total.