
4372ch02.fm Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm
46 Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment in a Retail Environment
5. Next, we select what to do after the deployment is completed. In our scenario
we want the terminal to boot from the newly completed deployment; therefore,
we select the second option as shown in Figure 2-41.
Figure 2-41 Selecting action after completed deployment
6. Next, we configure the network usage during deployment by selecting
between unicast, multicast with synchronization, and multicast without
synchronization. In this scenario we take the default of unicast as shown in
Figure 2-42 on page 46 which will allow the system to not share bandwidth
during the installation. Please refer to section 6.3, “Network Bandwidth
Considerations” on page 132 for details on the different network options.
Figure 2-42 Selecting network usage
7. Next, we select the on-site redeployment features for the deployment scheme.
In this scenario we take the default as shown in Figure 2-43. Redeployments
are discussed in Chapter 4, “Redeployment scenarios” on page 83.