4372ch01.fm Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm
2 Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment in a Retail Environment
1.1 Target audience
This Redpaper is written specifically with IT people who work in the retail sector
in mind. However, many of the topics and scenarios can easily be mapped to
traditional workstation environments and therefore also be of benefit to IT
professionals working with OS deployments outside the retail environments.
Since most of the content is technical in nature, a minimum of technical
understanding is required. Experience with automated deployment of operating
systems is highly recommended but not required. Understanding the principles
involved in automated software distribution will be helpful.
1.1.1 Definition of roles and skills
Throughout the scenarios and examples the following defintions are used for
different roles.
POS user - or simply end user
The POS user refers to the person using the POS system. For a cash register
this will be the cashier, for self-checkout systems or kiosks this will be a
customer. It is not assumed that the POS user will have any IT skills as such
and normally this person will not be involved in any processes except
experiencing a problem and notify someone of the problem.
Local super user - or simply super user
Every store, warehouse or super market should have at least one person to
fulfill this role. The super user is not an IT professional, but has some
understanding about the underlying IT and is capable of communicating with
the IT professionals in helpdesk etc.
Central IT
Central IT refers the IT professionals located centrally at one location,
physically distant from the production POS systems. There is no distinction in
this Redpaper between IT professional at the helpdesk, server support,
development etc.
Field Technician
Note: This Redpaper is based on Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS
Deployment V5.1 with Fixpack 3. Some of the screenshots may look slightly
different from the ones in previous ITSO publications because of this.