4372ch05.fm Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm
104 Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment in a Retail Environment
5.3.1 Wake on LAN
Selecting this option causes a Wake on LAN (WOL) “magic packet” to be sent to
the terminal causing it to power up and beging the boot process. If the terminal is
already running then the packet has no effect.
5.3.2 Power off
If a POS device is booted into PXE mode, then this function can be used to turn it
off. This can be used in conjuction with the Wake on LAN function to reboot the
5.4 Creating Backups
Chapters 2-4 discussed in detail the processes for creating and installing initial
software loads for POS terminals when they are initially deployed or redeployed.
The information in those chapters is mainly concerned with getting “bare metal”
machines into the “ready to use” state.
The backup facility added by the POS plug-in on the other hand, is useful for
periodically capturing the state of a POS terminal - which may differ from when it
was first put into service - so that it can be restored to that state should it
experience some sort of malfunction. The key difference here is that the POS
backup operation is optimized for speed, not for general applicability and a
backup produced by it is only intended to be restored on the single POS terminal
against which it was taken.
The POS backup function is therefore very useful for capturing dynamic data,
configuration changes and so forth, that occur after a POS device is first
deployed. If used regularly it provides the capability to restore a terminal to a
state that is very near, if not identical, to when a malfunction first occurred.
Indeed, in cases where a virus or a software misconfiguration has caused the
system to fail, the most recent POS backup might actually be more accurate than
Note: WOL support may also need to be enabled in the POS terminal’s BIOS
to support this function.
Note: See section 5.5, “Switching hardware” on page 118 for an exception
that applies when replacing an entire POS terminal in the field with an
identical unit.