Chapter 2. First-time installations 19
Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm 4372ch02.fm
Deployment during the deploy may have problems with hard disk of lower
2.2 Creating an unattended profile for Windows XP
In this section we describe how to create a profile for unattended installation of
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 included. The major steps to
create this profile includes:
Copy the \i386 directory from the original installation media
Download and slipstream the service pack
Create the profile in Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment
2.2.1 Copying the media files
Copying the media files from the CD/DVD to a local disk allows us to customize
the source depot for our installation of Windows XP. In our scenario we are using
a Windows XP Professional CD for an Intel based 32-bit system.
1. Copy the full i386 folder from the CD-ROM drive including all system and
hidden files as shown in Example 2-1. If you decide to copy using the GUI,
make sure all hidden and system files are shown, otherwise thse fiels will not
be copied.
Example 2-1 Copying the Windows XP installation files to a local drive
xcopy /E /H D:\i386 X:\WinXPimg\i386
2. Verify all files and folders are created in target folder as shown in Figure 2-1
on page 20.