
as the subname of the fully qualified
domain name, for example, mycomputer.
See also host system.
host processor
A processor that controls all or part of a
user application network. In a network, the
processing unit in which the data
communication access method resides.
See also host system.
host system
A computer, either of the mainframe (for
example, zSeries) or of the open-systems
type, that is connected to theDS8000.
zSeries hosts are connected to the
DS8000 through ESCON interfaces.
Open-systems hosts are connected to the
DS8000 by SCSI or fibre-channel
hot plug
Pertaining to the ability to add or remove
a hardware facility or resource to a unit
while power is on.
HSL See high-speed link.
HSM See hierarchical storage management or
Hardware Service Manager.
i5/OS The IBM operating system that runs the
IBM i5/OS and e(logo)Server i5 server
families of servers.
IBM e(logo)server
The IBM brand name for a series of
server products that are optimized for
e-commerce. The products include the
iSeries, pSeries, xSeries, and zSeries.
IBM product engineering (PE)
The third-level of IBM service support.
Product engineering is composed of IBM
engineers who have experience in
supporting a product or who are
knowledgeable about the product.
IBM Serial Storage adapter
A physical adapter based on the IBM
Serial Storage architecture. IBM Serial
Storage adapters connect disk drive
modules to DS8000 clusters.
IBM TotalStorage
The brand name used to identify storage
products from IBM, including the IBM
TotalStorage DS8000. See also IBM
TotalStorage DS8000 and IBM
TotalStorage DS Storage Manager.
IBM TotalStorage DS8000
A member of the IBM TotalStorage
Resiliency Family of storage servers and
attached storage devices (disk drive
modules). The DS8000 delivers
high-performance, fault-tolerant storage
and management of enterprise data,
affording access through multiple
concurrent operating systems and
communication protocols. High
performance is provided by multiple
symmetrical multiprocessors, integrated
caching, RAID support for the disk drive
modules, and disk access through a
high-speed serial storage architecture
IBM TotalStorage DS CLI
The command-line interface (CLI) that is
specific to the DS8000.
IBM TotalStorage DS Storage Manager (DS
Storage Manager)
Software with a Web-browser interface for
configuring the DS8000.
IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server
Network (ESSNet)
A private network providing Web browser
access to the Enterprise Storage Server.
IBM installs the ESSNet software on an
IBM workstation called the IBM
TotalStorage ESS Master Console,
supplied with the first ESS delivery.
IBM TotalStorage Management Console (MC)
An IBM workstation that acts as the focal
point for configuration, Copy Services
management, and maintenance for the
DS8000 . It includes a Web browser that
provides links to the user interface,
including the DS Storage Manager and
the DS8000 Copy Services.
IBM TotalStorage Multipath Subsystem Device
Driver (SDD)
Software that is designed to support the
multipath configuration environments of
the DS8000. The SDD resides in a host
system with the native disk device driver.
IBM TotalStorage Resiliency Family
A set of hardware and software features
and products, as well as integrated
software and services that are available
on theIBM TotalStorage DS8000 and the
Glossary 337