
CMUR00014E No storage unit is available. This panel cannot be used
unless there is at least one storage unit online. Navigate to the
Storage Unit panel to verify the status of the managed storage units
before you continue.
The panel that you are attempting to use requires that at least one storage unit is
online and available to the storage management console. The storage management
console cannot connect to a storage unit.
Ensure that at least one storage unit is online and that it can be detected by the
storage management console. Then resubmit the task.
CMUR00015E The selected resource cannot be brought online.
The task completed normally, but the selected resource is not online.
Press the Refresh button on the Status tab to view the current state of the
resource. Ensure that the resource is in a state that permits it to be brought online,
and then resubmit the task. If the problem persists, contact IBM technical support
for assistance.
CMUR00016E The attempt to bring the selected resource online does
not complete.
The task cannot complete because a connection does not exist or because the task
times out. One of the following conditions might exist:
v Your connection to the storage management console has been interrupted.
v The storage management console is busy.
v The storage management console is not online.
v The connection from the storage management console to the storage unit has
been interrupted.
v The storage unit is busy.
v The storage unit is not online.
Return to the Storage Complex main page and click the Refresh button to
determine if the storage management console is available and connected to the
storage unit. Return to the Storage Unit main page and click the Refresh button to
determine if the storage unit is online. If the storage management console is
connected to an online storage unit, then the task might have timed out because
the storage unit was busy when the task was submitted. If the storage complex is
not connected or the storage unit is unavailable, return to the Storage Complex
Chapter 6. DS Storage Manager service messages 141