CMUG00135E The selected storage unit is not available.
The configuration cannot be applied to the selected storage unit because the
storage unit is not online in a normal state.
Ensure that the storage unit is available and then resubmit the task, or select a
different storage unit.
CMUG00136E The selected storage image is not available.
The configuration cannot be applied to the selected storage image because the
storage image is not online in a normal state.
Ensure that the storage image is available and then resubmit the task, or select a
different storage image.
CMUG00137E A volume group cannot contain more than 256 volumes
when you specify the map 256 addressing method. Reduce the number of
selected volumes.
You cannot select more than 256 volumes if you selected map 256 addressing as
your volume group addressing method.
Select 256 or fewer volumes, or return to the Define volume group properties
step and select an addressing method other than Map 256 Addressing.
CMUG00138E The specified configuration file is not the correct
format. Configuration files have a .cfr file name extension.
To import storage units from a configuration file, configuration files must have a file
name extension of .cfr (for example, conf.cfr).
Select a .cfr file to import a storage unit configuration. If you do not have a valid
configuration file (*.cfr) contact IBM technical support for assistance.
Chapter 3. DS Storage Manager messages 117