CMMCI9044E Entry entry_value exceeds the length limit
(entry_limit) for one item for the -parameter_name parameter.
The length of the value that you specified for this parameter is too long.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid values for all
parameters. Enter ″help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and
parameter values.
CMMCI9045E The value for -parameter_name must be operator the
current setting of value.
The value that you specified for the listed operator is not valid. The operator
explains how value must be changed.
Run the command again, making sure that you specify valid values for all
parameters. Enter ″help command_name″ for a list of valid parameters and
parameter values.
CMMCI9046E Unrecognized syntax error in command command_name
There is a syntax error in the command that you specified.
Run the command again, making sure that you use a valid syntax. Enter ″help
command_name″ for the syntax to use.
CMMCI9047E Cannot run command_name as a command within the
application_name application. Tip: Enter ″help command_name″ for
more information.
You cannot specify the command command_name within this application.
Enter ″help command_name″ for more information about using this command.
10 IBM TotalStorage DS8000: Messages Reference