Chapter 13 Configuring for a *LAN 3812 SNMP Device Description
User-Defined Options (USRDFNOPT)
Specifies, for spooled output only, one or more user-defined
options to be used by user applications, user-specified programs or
the writer. A maximum of four user-defined options can be
specified. This should be set to *IBMSHRCNN whenever
configuring a *LAN 3812 SNMP.
Specifying *IBMSHRCNN will cause the print driver to open and
close the connection to the data port on the printer for every copy of
every spooled file. This allows multiple writers and systems to
access the printer, while the print driver is active and there are files
in ready status. When this option is specified, the printer is capable
of being shared and the value that is specified for the Inactivity
Timer is ignored.
System Driver Program (SYSDRVPGM)
Specifies the name of a system-defined driver program, which
provides the capability to send the iSeries OS printer output to a
printer attached over a TCP/IP network. This should be set to
*IBMSNMPDRV whenever configuring a *LAN 3812 SNMP device
Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST)
This is typically set to *NONE, but can be used to specify a
modified workstation customer object.
All other parameters should be specified like any other printer.