Printer Inventory Manager As Defined With TN3270E
The last thing you need to configure is the printer.
NOTE: A this time, InfoPrint Server and all related LUs should be
Using the printer's web pages go to the configuration screen
Configuration Screens
1. To configure the IBM 6500-v, fill out and submit the forms using
the following links.
2. Select the TN5250/3270 section from the configuration screen.
NOTE: Changes will only take effect after you reset the IBM 6500-
v from the System page.
Table 12. Configuration Forms
Configuration HTML Forms
Network TCP/IP (including Windows) and Novell network settings
Print Path Destination, Model, Log Path, and I/O port configuration
Print Model Shortcut to the print path model configuration forms
Log Path Shortcut to the print path log path configurations form
TN5250/3270 TN5250/3270 configuration settings
SNMP SNMP configuration settings
Administration Names and passwords
System System operation modes (reboot, factory defaults)
Configuration Screens