Chapter 8 Configuring The iSeries For Printing
Figure 28. ASCII LPR Parameters
The following parameter values are required:
Remote System
Enter the hostname of your printer or *INTNETADR, which then
prompts you to specify the IP address of your printer.
Printer Queue (PRTQ)
Set to ‘d1prn’ through ‘d8prn’. The remote printer queue name
must be in lowercase letters, entered in single quotes.
NOTE: When the IPDS feature is installed, queue name ‘d4prn’
is not available.
Destination Type (DESTTYP)
Specify *OTHER for the DESTTYP parameter.
Transform (TRANSFORM)
Specify *YES.
Manufacturer Type and Model (MFRTYPMDL)
Select a manufacturer type and model. This is the name of the
WSCO. Select *IBM6500-v for Proprinter Emulation or
IBM6500-vEP for Epson Emulation.
Library Name, *LIBL,
Delete file after sending *NO *NO, *YES
Destination-dependent options
Print separator page *YES *NO, *YES