Spectrum Analyzer Mode Key Descriptions
Spectrum Analyzer Mode Functions
Option 107 only.
turns on or off the gate, the time-gated analyzer capability.
The gate can be turned on outside, or from within, the
gate utility. The gate utility makes it easier to set up and
manipulate the gate.
If GATE ON OFF is accessed under the
menu it
turns the gate on and off. If
ON OFF is accessed
under the Define Gate softkey from within the gate
utility, the gate can only be turned on when the frequency
domain window is active. If the time domain window is
made active the gate will be turned off. Gate manipulation
with the gate turned on in the time domain window is
difficult due to trace dropouts and triggering errors.
Front-Panel Key Access
Option 107 only.
accesses the softkey functions used for the time-gated
analyzer capability. It creates related time domain and
frequency domain windows to set up the time gate and
make measurements. The center frequency and reference
level must be set correctly before entering the gate utility.
There must be a TTL signal at the GATE TRIGGER INPUT
on the rear panel, and GATE OUTPUT must be connected to
EXT TRIG INPUT. If no trigger is present an error message
is displayed. Connect a trigger input or press instrument
preset to exit the gate utility.
If the gate utility menus are exited by pressing one of the front panel keys they may be re-entered by
pressing (SWEEP] twice.