
Points will be limited so it will be important to have a good plan
and know what position you are weak in or what player is in the
nal year of his contract. Having a rm grasp on the state of
your team both in the present and future will steer you in the
right direction when it comes to scouting.
Another reason why it is so important to scout during the season
is that if you don’t, you’ll have no knowledge of any player once
the draft comes along. Trying to blindly select a player will come
back to bite you more than ever in Madden NFL 13. For example,
if your team runs a 3-4 defensive scheme but you end up draft-
ing a 4-3 defensive end, your team will strongly downgrade that
defensive end because he does not t your system. The only way
to avoid errors like that is by scouting before the draft.
Scouting Players