Advanced Guide
Printing from a Computer >
Printing with Other Application Software
Overview of the Printer Driver
Canon IJ Printer Driver > XPS Printer Driver
XPS Printer Driver
The following two printer drivers can be installed on Windows Vista SP1 or later:
IJ printer driver
XPS printer driver
The XPS printer driver is suited to print from an application that supports XPS printing.
To use the XPS printer driver, the standard IJ printer driver must already be installed on your
Easy-PhotoPrint EX, My Printer, and other application software distributed with the printer do not
support the XPS printer driver.
Installing the XPS Printer Driver
Load the Setup CD-ROM that comes with the machine, and then select "XPS Printer Driver" from Custom
Install to install the driver.
Using the XPS Printer Driver
To use the XPS printer driver for printing, open the Print dialog box in application you are using, and
select "your printer name XPS."
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