Security Menu and Forms
Users and Groups
The Users and Groups form allows you to perform the following tasks:
• Set up user access to the console server's web manager
• Assign users to specific groups that share common access rights
• Assign or change passwords
• Create new groups and add to the group list
The two groups to which you can assign a user are:
• Admin - Read/Write Access
• Regular User - Limited Read/Write Access
CAUTION: Therearetworoot usersfor theinitialsetup of theconsoleserver bythe administrator. Theseusernames
are rootwith thedefaultpassword avocentand adminwiththe password avocent.For securitypurposesmake
sureyouchange thisdefault passwordassoonaspossible.
Selecting Security - Users and Groups in Expert mode displays the Users and Groups form, which
you can use to perform the following:
• Add or delete users
• Assign or change user passwords
• Add or delete groups for serial port access configuration
• Add users to a group
• Delete users from a group