• Turn outlets on and off
• Cycle power
• Lock outlets to prevent accidental changes in power state (Avocent PM PDUs and
Cyclades IPDUs only)
• Unlock the outlets (Avocent PM PDUs and Cyclades IPDUs only)
• Assign an alias to the outlet (to identify the device for which it provides power)
• Save the current configuration to Flash memory in the IPDU
• Edit the outlet configuration (post-on/off delay, minimum on time, wake-up state, current
thresholds) (depends on the PDU vendor)
A list shows the port ID, IPDU ID, the model and vendor for IPDUs connected to ports that are
configured for power management. The Show button shows details about a selected IPDU. For
Avocent PM PDUs, the Outlet, Outlet Name, Outlet State, Current, Power and Alarm are
displayed. For other PDUs, the Outlet Number, Outlet Name and Outlet State are displayed
The following table illustrates what each icon indicates
Button Purpose
Yellowbulbsindicatean outletisswitched ON.Graybulbsindicatean outletisswitched
Anopenedpadlockindicatesthat anoutletisunlocked.A closedpadlockindicatesthatan
Anorange Cyclebutton isactivenextto eachoutletthat ison.
Displaysadialogboxtoconfigurean Outlet Nameand PostOnDelay.Outlet names
mustbeginwitha letter.Validcharactersare letters,numbers,dash(-) and underscore
(_).Theposton delayistheamountof time (inseconds) thatelapsesafter theselected
outletisturned onbeforeanother outletisturnedon.
Table 6.2: Expert - Outlets Manager Icons Description
Clicking the Edit button displays the dialog box for specifying Outlet Name and Post On
Delay [turn-on (PU) interval] for Cyclades IPDUs.
You can specify a name for the outlet, such as the server or device name and change the post
on delay (turn-on interval).
NOTE: The turn-onintervalistheamount oftime(inseconds) that elapsesafter theselected outletisturned on
before another outlet can beturnedon.
Chapter 6: Applications 55