
2. Click the Access tab. The Access form appears.
3. To restrict access to one or more users or to a group of users, enter previously defined user
or group names in the Authorized Users/Groups field, with names separated by commas.
4. To deny access to one or more users or groups, preface the user or group names with an
exclamationpoint (!).
5. Click Done.
6. Click apply changes.
Authentication methods and fallback mechanism
The following table provides a brief description of the authentication methods. When an
authentication method is configured to be performed by an authentication server such as
Kerberos, LDAP, RADIUS or TACACS+, the user can get access denial if either the
authentication server is down or it does not authenticate. An authentication fallback mechanism
can be defined in case the first authentication level fails. The following table describes the
authentication methods and fallbackmechanisms.
Authentication Type Definition
None Noauthentication.
Kerberos Authenticationisperformedusinga Kerberosserver.
Kerberos/Local Kerberosauthenticationistriedfirst,switchingto Localifunsuccessful.
KerberosDownLocal Localauthenticationisperformed onlywhen the Kerberosserver isdown.
LDAP Authentication isperformed againstan LDAPdatabaseusinganLDAPserver.
LDAP/Local LDAPauthenticationistriedfirst,switching toLocalifunsuccessful.
LDAPDownLocal Localauthenticationisperformed onlywhen theLDAPserver isdown.
Local Authenticationisperformedlocally.For example,usingthe/etc/passwd file.
Local/Radius Authenticationisperformedlocallyfirst,switchingto Radiusifunsuccessful.
Local/TACACS+ Authenticationisperformedlocallyfirst,switching toTACACS+ifunsuccessful.
Local/NIS Authenticationisperformed locallyfirst,switchingto NISifunsuccessful.
NIS NISauthenticationisperformed.
NIS/Local NISauthenticationistried first, switchingto Localifunsuccessful.
Table 9.5: Expert - Authentication Methods and Fallback Mechanisms
Chapter 9: Ports Menu and Forms 113