ICMP protocol fields
If ICMP is selected as a protocol, the ICMP Type pull-down menu is displayed in the ICMP
Options Section at the bottom of the Firewall Configuration form. Select the ICMP type needed
from theîlist.
Input interface, output interface and fragments
If an interface (such as eth0 or eth1) is entered in the Input Interface field, incoming packets are
filtered for the specified interface. If an interface is entered in the Output Interface field,
outgoing packets are filtered for the specified interface. The input and output interface fields are
shown in the following table along with the options on the Fragments pull-down menu.
Field Definition
Input Interface Theinputinterface(eth0) for the packet.
OutputInterface Theoutputinterface(eth0) for thepacket.
Invertingan itemnegatestheselectedrules.Ruleswillapplytoeverythingexcept the
selected options.
Thetypesofpacketsto befiltered:
2nd, 3rd...fragmented packets
Non-fragmented and1stfragmentedpackets
Table 7.9: Expert - Firewall Configuration Input/Output Interface and Fragments Fields
LOG target
If you select LOG from the Target field, the fields and menus shown in the following table
appear in the LOG Options Section at the bottom of the form.
Field or Menu Name Definition
Log Level One oftheoptionsinthepull-down menu.
Log Prefix Theprefixisincluded inthe log entry.
TCPSequence IncludestheTCPsequenceinthelog.
TCPOptions IncludesTCP optionsinthe log.
IPOptions IncludesIPoptionsinthelog.
Table 7.10: Expert - Target LOG Options Selection Fields
Chapter 7: Network Menu and Forms 83