Gentle Knits Cycle
A cycle that gently washes and spins
delicate items and washable knits.
lo Selected Level
4 Minutes Low Speed
2 Minutes No Agitation
2 Minutes Low Speed
Alndicates that machine is pausing for
a brief soak period.
For model LC49OOXT
NOTE: Always use cold rinse water for
permanent press fabrics. Adjust faucet
for cold rinse before fill for deep rinse
if using single faucet connection.
Soak Cycle
(model LC4500XT)
Brief periods of agitation and soak time
help remove heavy soils and certain
stains that need extra prelreatment.
Use recommended amount of
detergent or pre-soak additive. The
SOAK Cycle should always be followed
by a Wash Cycle.
to Selected Level
8 Minutes
(No Agitation)
2 Minutes High Speed
Special care is needed when soaking or
prewashing laundry. See your Laundry
Guide for proper use of this cycle.