Programming and storing in
The programmable functions are acti
vated to call up further features not
shown on the control panel by using the
additional option touch pads in combi
nation with the programme touch pads.
Programming is carried out in for steps:
1. Select programming mode
2. Select programmable function
3. Activate or deactivate the program
mable function
4. Save the programmable function in
1. Selecting programming mode
AThe machine must be switched off
and the drum door closed.
BPress the
and the
touch pads at the same time, hold
pressed in and
C. . . switch the machine on with the
I-ON/0-OFF button.
DLet go of all these touch pads/but
P 0 will appear in the display.
2. Selecting a programmable function
EPress the & touch pad under the
display. The P will now flash in the
display alternating
with the number
of the programmable function e.g.
FPress the $& touch pads repeat
edly until the the display shows the
number of the programmable func
tion required, alternating with the P.
P1 = High water level
P2 = Water plus system
P4 = Activate compartment i
P9 = Gentle action
P10 = Activate top-up rinse for
P11 = Memory function
In addition, one of the following will ap-
pear on the right of the display:
P0= Programmable function is
P1= Programmable function is
with P 2 a 2 will appear on the right to
show that option 2 is active.
Programmable functions