Maytag LAT9704 Washer User Manual

TheSOAKONLYcycle(noton all models)isused CARE OF THE WASHER
to soakheavily soiledor stained itemsfor as long
as desired. Thewasher does not advance Turnoff the water faucetsafter finishing the
automaticallyinto a wash cycle, day's washing. Thiswill shutoff the water
TousetheSOAKcycleturnthe controlknobto supply to the washer and preventthe unlikely
start.Thewasherwill fill, agitatefor possibilityof damage from escapingwater.
approximately 3 minutesand soakuntil the Clean the control panel with a softdamp cloth
control knob is advanced into a wash cycle or and glasscleaner. Do not useany abrasive
spin and drain. Generally, soak periods up to 30 powders or cleaning pads.
minutesare sufficientfor mostloads. If following Clean the cabinet with soap and water
the soakwith a regular wash, useup to 50% followed with an appliance wax, if desired.
more than the usualamount of detergent. The SELF-CLEANLINTFILTERis located under
the agitator on the bottomof thewashtub. The
Start the Washer lint filter in this washer cleans itself.During the
Pulloutthe cycle control knob to startthe washer, wash and rinseportion of the cycle, lint is
It will fill to the selectedwater levelwith the collectedon the filter. Thefilter is then flushed
selectedwash water temperature.After filling, it automatically during the spinand drain.
will agitate for the selectednumberof minutes.
Thewasherwill pausebrieflythroughouteach
cycle.Thesepausesare normal.
Thiswasher isdesignedsothat itwill notagitate
or spin whenthelid isopen. Itwill, however,fill
Washerscan be damaged if water isnot
with thelid open sowater is avai(able for
removedfrom hosesand internalcomponents
pretreatingstainsor dilutingfabric softener.
beforestorage. Preparethewasher for storageas
Shouldthe lid be opened during a cycle, the follows:
washer will stop;when the lid is closed and the Selectthe NORMAL cycle on RegularFabrics
control knob is pulled out, the washer will resume and add one cup of bleach or white vinegar to
itscycle at the point it was interrupted.
a full load of warm or hot water without
NOTE: If an unbalanced load occursduring the clothes.Runthe washer through a complete
spin, the washer will automatically stop. cycle.
If this happens,push in the control knob, Turnthe water faucetsoff and disconnectthe
open the lid, redistributethe load, close
inlet hoses.
the lid and pull out the control knob.
Advance thecycle control knob to the final spin
of RegularFabricsand lower the drain hoseto
Indicator Lights drain any water thatmay be in the drain hose.
(Lights will vary according to model)
The ON light stayslit throughouttheentire cycle and leave thewasher lid opentolet air
indicatingthewasherisoperating.TheSOAK circulateinsidethetub_
light ison during a soakcycle- soak onlyor
automatic presoak. TheSUPERWASHlight is
on until the timer advancesinto the Regular
Fabrics HEAVYcycle.