(Features may vary c
Select Water Level Select Wash/Rinse Water
Turnthe selectorknobto the settingthatmatches Temperature
the size of the load. Turnthe selectorknobto the watertemperature
The pre-setselectorknob (noton all models)can desired.
be setto five distinct settings- EX.SMALL, HOT/COLD - Wash water will be the
temperatureof thewater coming from the hot
Theinfinite selectorknob (noton all models)can water faucet. Rinsewater will be cold. Usethis
be movedto eachwater level or any point in settingfor heavily soiled whites and colorfast
between, items.
If more water is needed once the fill is complete, WARM/WARM - Wash water will be a mixture
movethe knob to Reset,then to thedesired of water coming from the hot and cold water
setting, faucets.Rinsewater will be the same,except
Forbestwashing results,clothesmustcirculate when the permanentpresscycle is selected;then
freely. If too littlewater is used,poor cleaning, it will automatically be cold. Usethis settingfor
linting and excessivewear may result.Usethe delicatesand for colored itemswhen a warm
following as a guide to selectthe proper water rinse following thewash is preferred.
level: WARM/COLD - Wash water will be a mixtureof
Ex. Small- 1/4 full of clothes, water coming from the hot and cold water
Small- 1/4 to 1/3 full of clothes, faucets.Rinsewater will be cold. Usethis for
Medium - 1/3 to 1/2 full of clothes, itemswith moderatesoil level and colored items.
Large- 1/2 to 3/4 full of clothes. COLD/COLD - Wash and rinse water will be the
Ex. Large- 3/4 to full of clothes, temperatureof thewater coming from thecold
water faucet. Usethis settingto minimizefading
NOTE: When launderingpermanentpressitems of brightly colored itemsand shrinkage of
or itemsof delicatecanslrucfion, washablewoolens.NOTE: Water below65°F is
washablewoolensor looselyknititems,
toocold to dissolveand activategranular laundry
neveruselessthanthe MEDIUMsetting, detergents.
Thiswill minimizeshrinkage,wrinkling
and pullingof seams.