:cordingto model.)
Select Cycle and Time knob to start. (Recommendedfor lightly soiled
Pushinthecyclecontrolknob and turnclockwise
tothepropercycleand washtime. NOTE: Thewasher isautomaticallyprogrammed
toassureproperagitationand spinning
Washing: foreachloadtype. REGULARFABRIC
cyclesandthe QUICKCYCLEwill provide
TheHEAVYcycleisdesignedto washverysoiled o fastwash/spinspeed.PERMANENT
loads,the NORMALcycleisfor averagesoiled PRESSwill havea fastwash/spinspeed
loadsand the LIGHTcycleshouldbe selectedfor alongwith a cool-downrinse.DEUCATE
slightlysoiledloads, cycleswill have a gentlewashand slow
ForREGULARFABRICloads,turnthe contro(knob final spinspeed.
to 12 minutesfor a HEAVYcycle; to 8 minutesfor
a NORMAL cycle; and to 5 minutesfor a LIGHT Presoaking:
cycle. TheAUTOMATICPRESOAKcycle (noton all
The SUPERWASHcycle (noton all models) models)movesFromthe presoakinto the
providesadditiona(washtimefor regular fabric "HEAVY" regular fabricscycle automatically.
loads.Itwill add approximately6-8 minutesof Sincethepresoakand thewashare done in one
agitationtothe cycle.Toselect,turnthe control tubof water, it saveswaterand energy.A hot
knobto SUPERWASH. water presoakisrecommendedfor heavily soiled
ForPERMANENTPRESSloads, turn thecontrol items.A warm or cold water presoakis
knobto 10 minutesfor a HEAVYcycle; to 7 recommendedfor proteinstains(blood,grass,
minutesfor a NORMALcycle; andto 5 minutes etc.).
for a LIGHTcycle. Duetotheextra coal down Tousethe AUTOMATICPRESOAKcycleturnthe
rinsewhich minimizeswrinkling, thiscycle can controlknobto PRESOAK.Thewasher wi(( soak
alsobe usedfar non-permanentpressitemswhen for approximately10 minutes(thisincludes
additionalrinsing isneeded, periodsof agitation)thenmovedirectlyinto 12
ForDEUCATES,washablewoolensor "hand- minutesof wash withoutdrainingand refil)ing.
washable" items,turnthe control knobto 8 When usingthe Presoakcycle, use up to 50%
minutesfor a NORMAL cycle; and to 5 minutes more than the usualamountof detergentor usea
for a LIGHTcycle, presoak product suchas Axion or Biz* in
addition to the regular amountof detergent,if
The QUICKCYCLEreducesthe cycletime by using you choose to usebleach, it can also be added
a 6 minutewash and a shorter firstspin and at this time.
rinse. Totalcyc(etime isapproximate(y 16
minutesplus fill times.Toselect,turn the control *Brandnamesarethetrademarksoftherespectivemanufacturers.
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