Maytag LAT9704 Washer User Manual

When using liquidchlorinebleach,carefully
measuretheamountof bleachrecommendedon
the bottlelabel.General recommendationsare
1/8 cup for each 2 gallonsof washwater.
Amountof washwater in: EX.SMALL- 10
gallons(8 Imperialgallons;38 liters);SMALL-
12 gallons(10 Imperialgallons;45 liters);
MEDIUM- 14 gallons (12 Imperial gallons; 53
liters); LARGE- 17 gallons (14 Imperialgallons;
64 liters); EXTRALARGE- 19 gallons (16
Imperial gallons; 72 liters).
Add the recommendedamount of liquid chlorine
bleach to the dispenserbefore placing the clothes
in thewasher tub. Properlydiluted bleachwill be
added automaticallyto the wash water.
bleach.It isa powerfulchemicalandcancause
fabricdamage,suchastearsor colorloss,if not
Wipe upspillswith a papertowel.
Oxygenor all-fabricbleachmay be addedwith
thedetergent.Followtheinstructionson the
package. If usedimproperly,fabric damage may
occur, suchas color loss.Donat putgranular
bleachor detergentin bleachdispenser.
Useeither liquid or granular laundry detergent.
Add measuredamount of detergentto washtub
before loading.
Readthe manufacturer'sinstructionsand usethe
correct amount.Most instructionsare for washing
an "average" load. If the size of the load is extra
large, the degree of soil isheavier than average
and thewater is harder than 6 grains per gallon,
more detergentshould be used.
Wipe up any spillsof liquid laundry detergenton
the washer.