Check the correct positioning of o-ring gasket before screwing back the door light cover.
Do not operate the dryer when missing o-ring gasket on door light cover.
For safety reasons, the cover must be screwed down tightly. If this is not done, the dryer
must not be operated.
Machine settings
ZOEMER (buzzer) SIGNAL permanent off
1. Turn the programme selector to any programme.
2. Press simultaneously theDELICAAT (delicate) and SENSITIVE buttons and hold down for
approx. 5 seconds.
3. The buzzeris by default always off. You can use ZOEMER (buzzer) button to activate or
deactivate sound but machine does not memorize your selection.
Water hardness
Water contains, a variable quantity of limestone and mineral salts of which quantities vary
according to geographical locations thus varying its conductivity values. Relevant varia-
tions of the conductivity of the water compared to those prefixed by the factory could
slightly influence the residual humidity of the laundry at the end of the cycle. Your dryer
allows you to regulate the sensitivity of the drying sensor based on conductivity values of
the water.
1. Turn the programme selector to any programme.
2. Press simultaneously the DELICAAT (delicate) and TIJD PROGR. (time) buttons and hold
down for approx. 5 seconds. The current setting is on the display:
– low con-
ductivity <300 micro S/cm,
– medium conductivity 300-600 micro S/cm,
– high conductivity >600 micro S/cm
3. Press the START PAUZE button sequentially until you set desired level.
4. To memorize setting press simultaneously the DELICAAT (delicate) and TIJD PROGR.
(time) buttons or turn knob to UIT (off) position
Machine settings