Chapter 7O Agilent 10737L and Agilent 10737R Compact Three-Axis
Specifications and Characteristics
User’s Manual 7O-25
Agilent 10737L/R Compact Three-Axis Interferometer
Linear Resolution: 5 nm (using Agilent 10885A, or Agilent 10895A electronics)
0.6 nm (using Agilent 10897A, or Agilent 10898A electronics)
Yaw Resolution: 0.35 µrad (0.07 arc-sec) (using Agilent 10885A, or Agilent 10895A electronics)
0.04 µrad (0.01 arc-sec) (using Agilent 10897A, or Agilent 10898A electronics)
Pitch and Roll Resolution: 0.7 µrad (0.14 arc-sec) (using Agilent 10885A, or Agilent 10895A electronics)
0.1 µrad (0.02 arc-sec) (using Agilent 10897A, or Agilent 10898A electronics)
Yaw Range
: ±0.44 mrad (±1.5 arc-min)
Pitch and Roll Range: ±0.44 mrad (±1.5 arc-min)
Linear Range: 10 m (33 ft) total for all three axes.
Operating Temperature: 0–40 °C (17–23 °C to ensure system non-linearity specification)
Thermal Drift Coefficient: Same as Agilent 10706B
Weight: 490 g (18 oz)
Dimensions: see Figure 7O-11 on the next page
Materials Used: Housing: stainless steel and aluminum
Optics: optical grade glass
Adhesives: vacuum grade, cyanoacrylate polarizer material
Receiver inserts: urethane foam, acetal, 15% glass fill polyester
Installation: Uses 3-mm beam available from Agilen 5517C-003. Requires three
Agilent 10780F-037 Remote Receivers. Compatible with Agilent 10711A
Adjustable Mount.
Measurement (Plane) Mirror
Reflectance: 98% at 633 nm at normal incidence
Flatness: Flatness deviations will appear as measurement errors when the mirror
is scanned perpendicular to the beam. Recommended range 1/4 (0.16 µm or 6 µin)
to 1/20 (0.03 µm or 1.2 µin) dependent on accuracy requirements.
Optical Surface Quality: 60-40 per Mil 0-13830
* At a distance of 300 mm, maximum measurement mirror angle due to all components (i.e., yaw and pitch or yaw
and roll) between the measurement mirror and the interferometer. A six-axis system is assumed.