B Command - Bar Code
Data with the RTC
Time & Date
The “Data” field can be replaced by or com
bined with the following variables:
TT = Prints the current time at this position in
the predefined format. See the TT com
mand for format selection. This variable
is available only if the printer Time &
Date option is installed.
TD =Prints the current date at this position in
the predefined format. See the TD command
for format selection. This variable is available
only if the printer Time & Date option is in
Some bar code formats will not support date names
or the date or time delimiters used by the printer to
Code 128 Bar Code
Function Characters
The printer supports code 128 function control
characters (FCN#). Multiple FCN#s, TTs, TDs
and “DATA” strings can be concatenated, al-
lowing them to be inserted anywhere within the
FCN2, FCN3 and FCN4 are illegal in code
128 mode C (p
= 1C) and will result in a syn-
tax error.
Please refer to the Code 128 standard for a de
scription of function characters FNC1 through
“Standard” Code 128 can encode all 128 stan
dard ASCII characters (0-127). Function char
acter FCN4 provides a means of also encoding
extended ASCII characters (128-255). It directs
the reader to add 128 to the value of each af
fected character before transmitting it.
Two consecutive FCN4s toggle between stan
dard and extended ASCII mode for all succeed
ing data characters (until the end of the symbol,
or until another pair of s is encountered). This is
referred to as latching into extended ASCII
mode or latching into standard ASCII mode.
980352-001 Rev.A